Saturday, July 14, 2012

Connecticut Valley Hospital Bullying Survey Results

Connecticut Valley Hospital Bullying Survey Results

by David Samuels on Friday, July 13, 2012 at 11:17pm ·

"Highlights" from the survey... 
"I have encountered bullying situations at work."  70.6% of CVH workers "strongly agree". 20.7 % "agree".
"I have felt bullied when interacting with a CVH manager / supervisor." 59.9%  "strongly agree". 16.5% "agree".
"I have felt bullied when interacting with a CVH manager / supervisor in my unit / program." 54.0 % "strongly agree". 16.2 % "agree".
"I have felt bullied when interacting with a CVH co-worker."  39.6% "strongly agree". 20.2 % "agree".
"I have felt bullied when interacting with a CVH co-worker in my unit / program."  37.5 %  "strongly agree". 20.8 % "agree".
"I feel that bullying is an accepted part of the culture at CVH." 54.1 % "strongly agree." 25.7% "agree".
"I reported bullying and there was a positive resolution of my concerns." 61.6%  "strongly disagree". 24.5% "disagree".
"I fear retaliation for reporting bullying or other hostile behavior."  66.6% "strongly agree". 17.1 % "agree".
CVH was supposed to have released the results of this survey on May 23rd. They have not yet shared these numbers with CVH employees. Support the Connecticut - Healthy Workplace Bill!!/ConnecticutHealthyWorkplaceAdvocates Contact CTHWA Co- Coordinators Kathy Hermes and Lynne Appell-Munday at

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