Tom Witt, Mike Schlicht, Senator Diane Savino, Senator Shirley L. Huntley, and Assemblyman Steve Englebright made introductory remarks at the New York Healthy Workplace Bill Press conference May 2, 2011. Maria Morrissey spoke about her brother Kevin Morrissey's suicide. Kathy Hermes discussed the suicide of Marlene Braun. Ken Kamholtz described his workplace bullying as a police officer.
Connecticut Healthy Workplace coordinator Katherine Hermes helped New York Healthy Workplace Advocates lobby for the Healthy Workplace Bill in New York. It has wide support across both parties. Over 60 Assembly representatives have signed on and last year the bill passed the NY Senate. We hope that it goes forward this year and is signed by Gov. Cuomo.
We are an affiliate of the Workplace Bullying Institute that advocates passage of the Healthy Workplace Bill. We are on Facebook Groups as Connecticut Healthy Workplace Advocates and have a Google Group. Opinions expressed on this blog are not necessarily those of WBI or Drs. Gary and Ruth Namie. Visit the Workplace Bullying Institute. Links are posted below. CTHWA does not offer legal or psychological counseling. We are not a professional organization, only a group of volunteers.